While in Shinjuku waiting to see the crummy anime movie Brave Story, my friend Kevin and I were ambushed by the Shinjuku Internet TV station. A female worker named Yoshitomi-san asked us to step into a recording room right next to the theater (you'll see in the video that the room had a glass wall so onlookers from the street could examine the gaijin).
I was wary of the whole shady setup. Just one hit on the head with a blackjack and my organs would be going to the highest bidder on Ebay.
The guy working the camera instructed me to say some sort of message in English to people back home. Drumroll please...Here's the world premiere of Ben's Internet Greeting courtesy of Shinjuku Internet Television. Click the link below and hit the button that says “Movie Reproduction.”
You’ll quickly understand why I chose to write my entries for A White Boy in Japan instead of do video blog.
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