Monday, July 17, 2006

Here is the absinthe cocktail I ordered at Pub Trust. It was prepared in the traditional style, by grinding a sugar cube up into the green liquor mixture. Illegal in the United States, absinthe is said to contain anywhere between 60 to 90% alcohol. While I can't vouch for the ratio in my drink, judging from the fact that the bartender poured the liquor out of a plastic jug from underneath the bar counter, I have a feeling that I got the real stuff. The Japanese menu, alluding to the drink's taunted hallucinogenic properties, had the phrase "drink your marijuana" written in green kanji characters. The cocktail was certainly strong, but no different for my tounge than drinking anything mixed with Bacardi 151. I certainly didn't feel stoned, or even especially f'd up for that matter. If I am still conscious during the train ride home, then it's time for a stronger drink!

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