Friday, April 10, 2009

Since still pictures don't really do the event justice, I took this video so you could experience the excitement firsthand!


Tony Mariani said...

Thanks for the pictures and especially the video. Uwajima is a lovely city. I've wanted to witness the bull fights there but they only occur at certain times of the year. My wife's father is from Uwajima. The bay at Uwajima is famous for its fresh fish and more for the pearl industry. It is quite lucrative.

Josh Meisel said...

OMG that was the most uneventful bull fight ever. Were they fighting or just itching each other's horns? Did the red bull win, or did the white bull just get bored and run away for a drink of sake? At least in sumo wrestling there's some violence. These bulls need to get their act together.

Benjamin Whaley said...

In this particular match-up, it does seem like the white bull simply lost interest and left.

Even the most "exciting" match wasn't violent in the least. In that one, the losing bull got rammed against the arena fence a couple of times.